Couples Antenatal Workshop

I’m going to be running a small couples workshop in Stanmore on Sunday the 8th September from 1-5pm.

This will be an all embracing 4 hour intensive birth preparation workshop designed for mum to be and birthing partner.

It will be man friendly and embarrassment free. No awkward ice breakers, playing games or splitting into groups!

During the workshop we’ll explore how to use movement, breathing, relaxation and massage to support your birth journey.

The workshop is designed around the weekly class format bringing together key information and a tool kit of natural techniques (movement, breathing, position, relaxation, visualisation and massage) for each stage of labour. Leaving you to use the methods and techniques which appeal to you and whatever the stage of labour you find yourself in.

The workshop will offer you the opportunity to gain a real understanding of the physiology of labour, what causes processes to happen and what causes the process to falter. Helping you to learn techniques to enable your birthing partner to provide meaningful support through prompts, breathing, massage and practical tasks.

I will also be bringing along cake and plenty of teas and coffee!!

For anyone currently attending classes with me the price will be £80 per couple otherwise the price is £95 per couple.

Please let me know if you’re interested in coming along and I’ll reserve you a place.

07581 538767

Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Classes Stanmore

Daisy Baby classes are coming to Stanmore!!

Babies from the age of 6 weeks are welcome.

Classes incorporate infant massage, reflexology and gentle baby yoga stretches.

Suitable for even the most sensitive baby with lots of rocking and soothing so ideal for babies that need lots of cuddles and those with reflux.

Great for bonding with your baby and really making the most of your time together.

Classes also include postnatal movements for Mum and a relaxation at the end of the class.

Come along and enjoy the friendly intimate classes and prepare to feel more empowered and more energised!

Classes to start Wednesday the 2nd October at Bernays Memorial Hall on Stanmore high street. Drop me an email or give me a call to register your interest!

Classes Available

I have 2 spaces available for Monday evening classes at Bernays Hall, Stanmore term starting 2nd September.

I also have 2 spaces available for Tuesday evening classes starting 1st October at Bernays Memorial Hall in Stanmore.

Let me know if you’d like to come along for a free taster class!!!!!

Pregnancy classes JFS School

Pregnancy classes have just started at the lovely dance studio at JFS School in Kingsbury / Kenton which is close to Edgware, Mill Hill, Colindale, Preston Road, And Wembley.

Classes are held on a Friday evening at 7.30pm.

Classes are suitable to start anytime after 14 weeks but around 20 weeks is a great time to start as your hormones have usually settled a little, you’re feeling a bit more energised and your bump is really starting to pop out…

Time to really start stretching out those muscles and preparing yourself for a great pregnancy and an awesome labour!

Come and have some time just for you and your bump and of course the lovely positive relaxation at the end of every class.

New 6 week term to start Friday 23rd August.