Couples Antenatal Classes

An all-encompassing antenatal education journey through the stages of labour, birth and the precious first moments with your new baby.

Netmums reviews & testimonials: “..Sally’s workshop is small, friendly and intimate which made us feel really comfortable, no question too big, too small or too silly! We both feel totally ready and prepared for labour ….

Antenatal Classes bring together a range of techniques including movement, positions, breathing, relaxation, education and massage, to support you through every stage of your labour.

Each class will deliver:

  • A combination of traditional antenatal education with active birth awareness
  • The physiology of labour, what makes it start and what can cause it to slow down
  • How mum can work with her body and baby to ease through the stages of labour, adapting as it progresses
  • Simple breathing techniques for each stage of labour which will make all the difference
  • Techniques for the birth partner to use to support mum during labour
  • An easy way to understand medical induction and interventions
  • An easy way to make friends with local parents-to-be, supported by our online community

Workshops last for three hours and are ideal from 30 weeks of pregnancy onwards.

For more information or to book, contact me today!